Where and when does learning begin? Learning begins at home when your child is just an infant.
Do you have a child at home who has not yet enrolled in school? Do you have a friend, family member, or co-worker who has a child not yet enrolled in school? Following are valuable resources for you, or to share with someone you know.
"From birth to age 5, the learning that happens every day prepares your child for Kindergarten and life beyond school. Kindergarten readiness means more than just knowing your ABCs and 1,2,3s. Things like learning to share, and learning to practice self-control are also Kindergarten readiness skills." Check out https://www.preschoolpromise.org/kra for more information.
"Be Ready by 5 connects families to resources in Montgomery County, Ohio that help prepare children aged 0-5 for success in Kindergarten and beyond." Check out bereadyby5.org for resources.
Children who are better prepared for entering school become better students!