High School Parent /  Student Orientation

We are excited to invite our parents and students to high school parent and student orientation. The orientation will be hosted by our high school staff on March 26th at 6:00 PM.

The purpose of the event is for parents and students to learn about the West Carrollton High School experience. We will present to parents and students all of the high school sports, activities, clubs and career pathways our students can participate in during their high school careers.

This event will allow our incoming 9th graders, next year's 10th graders and their parents to learn about these opportunities as well as ask questions about their options. The event is scheduled specifically for March 26th so students will have a better understanding of what is available to them when they complete the scheduling process.

Parents we ask that you accompany your student so you have an opportunity to ask questions to the staff as well. The expectations, commitment, cost, and time required to participate in some of these activities are much greater than in middle school. This is your chance to plan your student's high school experience with staff present.

The event will start at 6:00 PM in the auditorium. We have scheduled speakers and break-out sessions to last until 7:45 PM. This is a great opportunity for parents and students to see all of the wonderful educational opportunities we have to offer.