Student Services

The Student Services Department oversees all aspects of the education and care of students with special needs.  Staff include school nurses, psychologists and family resource coordinators as well as a variety of aides that help serve students.

Ohio school districts are required to provide free, appropriate educational services to all children in their attendance area, ages 3 through 21, who are determined to have a disability. Disability, in this case, means such conditions as hearing impairments, visual impairments, speech or language impairments, specific learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, cognitive disabilities, physical impairments, other health impairments, autism and traumatic brain injury. Schools are also required to provide evaluations to determine if a child has a disability. If you have or know a West Carrollton School District child who may have a disability, contact the Department of Student Services.

All employees can be reached by dialing 937-859-5121 and entering the listed extension. 

School Nursing Team

Our schools are staffed by a healthcare team that includes three licensed school nurses and three licensed practical nurses. Visit their page here.

School Psychologists 

West Carrollton Schools employs six school psychologists: 


Bullying & Harassment Report