School Nursing Team
The school health program in West Carrollton Schools is provided to remove health barriers to learning, promote understanding of good health practices, and help our students maintain a state of good health. These purposes will be met through a program of minor emergency care, referral of health needs through screening programs, and enforcement of state rules and regulations regarding immunizations.
Assist students in complying with physician-prescribed treatments.
Make provisions of urgent or emergency health services, until parent or EMS arrives on the scene.
Maintain accurate student health records.
Provide health screening, referral, and follow-up services.
Maintain up-to-date information and referral regarding communicable diseases and other student health needs.
Work in cooperation with building personnel in the identification, intervention, and follow-up of students at risk.
Promoting Health and Wellness Throughout Ohio - Current Collaborative Initiatives
CareSource Respite Care Program
Non-Emergent Transportation Services to Food Resources

Student Wellness
When to Keep Your Student Home from School
Fever of 100.4 degrees. The student needs to be fever-free for 24 hours.
Without fever-reducing medication
Diarrhea (multiple watery stools).
Severe cough, wheezing, or respiratory distress.
Extreme redness of the eye, accompanied by discharge or pain.
Rashes of unknown origin.
Severe sore throat or difficulty swallowing.
Severe headache or stomach ache with vomiting.
Severe itching of the body or scalp.
Untreated head lice infestation. (for more information on WCSD policy see forms section.)
Parents must call each day the student will be absent from school. Upon return to school, students must bring a note explaining the reason for the absence. The School Nurse or Family Resource Coordinator (FRC) will be contacted in the event of excessive absences. Students who are medically excluded from school must return with the exclusion letter signed by the doctor.
Tips for Keeping Students Healthy:
Start the day off right...
Eat breakfast!
Children are continuously changing and growing every day. Studies show that students who eat breakfast:
Learn better
Achieve more
Participate in class more often
Behave better
Attend school more
Visit the school nurses less often
Teach your student(s) proper handwashing techniques
Keeping the hands clean is one of the most important ways of preventing illness and infection:
Wet your hands with clean running water and apply soap. Use warm water if it is available.
Rub hands together to make a lather and scrub all surfaces.
Continue rubbing hands for 15-20 seconds. Need a timer? Imagine singing "Happy Birthday" twice through to a friend.
Rinse hands well under running water.
Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet.
Always use soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty.
General health measures to boost your child's immune system include:
Drinking plenty of fluids to keep well hydrated.
Eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables
Getting plenty of rest and a good night's sleep.
Exercising regularly.
Recommended hours of sleep per night for students:
3-5 years old: 11-13 hours
5-12 years old: 9-11 hours
Adolescents: 8 ½ - 9 ½ hours
Recommended time of exercise per day for students:
The activity itself isn't as important as making sure it hits on the 3 criteria of healthy exercise: strength, endurance, and flexibility.
4-5 years old: 1-2 hours
6-18 years old: 1 hour
Ways to improve your student's exercise habits:
Be an active role model, exercise yourself
Exercise together
Pick kid-friendly exercise options
Reduce sedentary activities (watching TV, computer, or video games).
Our Heath Care Team
Our schools are staffed by a healthcare team that includes three licensed school nurses and four licensed practical nurses:
Nurse Supervisor: Email Angela McKellop, RN
West Carrollton Early Childhood Center (ECC)
Email Tonya Hood, LPN
EXT: 7795
Harold Schnell Elementary
Email Megan Hammermeister, LPN
Harry Russell Elementary
Email Jordan Madison, RN
EXT: 5504
West Carrollton Intermediate School
Email Laura Garrett, LPN
EXT: 3304
West Carrollton Middle School
Email Karin Gaudin, RN
EXT: 7704
West Carrollton High School
Email Susan Mohler, RN
EXT: 8804