I am a Pirate!
The goal of the I am a Pirate! campaign is to link the success of our graduates to the future and potential success of our current students. The Foundation wants young Pirates to see tangible evidence that setting clear goals, working hard and persevering can lead to a successful life adventure.
Please view our I am a Pirate! crew member photo gallery below, and look for their portraits in the hallways of our West Carrollton school buildings!
The process of choosing members of the I am a Pirate! crew begins in January each year as the Foundation board receives informal recommendations from alumni and current I am a Pirate! crew members. Those chosen to join the crew are notified in April and the process of producing a portrait begins. Each year the Foundation will add more alumni to the I am a Pirate! crew, and the district has dozens of portraits hanging in each of its buildings ... each telling a story about a successful Pirate and the West Carrollton School District.
Response Form
If you have questions regarding what needs to be included in this form, please email Lisa Green, Thank you!