English Learners
West Carrollton City Schools offer specialized instruction to English Learners (students whose native language is not English) in a manner that both promotes English language acquisition and the mastery of grade level content standards.
The philosophy of the West Carrollton English Learner (EL) program is that ELs need to be proficient in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. These language skills are best learned through instruction within the content areas. West Carrollton uses the sheltered English model to support students’ cultural adjustment, language needs, and content instruction.
Elementary Level - English Learners are grouped into sheltered English classes based upon grade level. In these classes, students are given clear leveled instruction using scaffolding, students’ prior knowledge and collaboration. This instruction is aligned with grade level content standards with accommodations provided for each level of English proficiency.
Middle School Level - English Learners are served through inclusion teaching in content area classes. This allows students to receive English support while participating in mainstream content classes. Newcomers and students with low levels of English proficiency receive additional instruction during a pull-out session in which more individualized help is provided.
High School Level - English Learners are instructed in sheltered English classes for each content area. The TESOL co-teaches in order to provide tailored instruction aligned with both content standards and students’ levels of English proficiency. This method increased students’ success rate for graduation and career readiness.
The goal of the West Carrollton English Learners program is to provide students with customized English language support within content area instruction (based on the SIOP model), while also attending to students’ cultural adjustments and individual needs.
English Learners – Using this educational approach, limited English proficient students are directly instructed in the use of the English language. Instruction is based on a special curriculum that typically involves little or no use of the students’ native language and is usually taught during specific school periods. For the remainder of the school day, students may be placed in mainstream classrooms. English Learner classes may focus on teaching formal English grammar and on promoting natural communication activities (free conversation, games, discussions on familiar topics). Reading and writing are practiced as well as oral communication skills in English.
Structured immersion (also called Sheltered English or Content-based ESL) – Structured immersion is an instructional approach used to make academic information and concepts understandable to English Learners. Students in these classes are “sheltered” in that they do not compete academically with native English speakers in the classroom setting. The subject matter is introduced in a way that can be understood by English Learners. The teacher adapts the language of instruction to the English level of the students. Also, the teacher makes frequent use of visual aids, concrete experiences and manipulative materials. In this approach, students have the opportunity to develop the oral and written language skills they need to make academic progress in content areas such as mathematics, social studies and science.
Bilingual Education – In bilingual education classes, both the students’ native language and English are used for instruction. Bilingual education is based on two assumptions: 1) students are more likely to learn anything, including English, if they understand what they are being taught; and 2) students who are not proficient in English will not fall behind their English-speaking peers if they are able to continue learning academic content in their native language while they are learning English.
Native Language Support – Native language support is usually provided by bilingual instructional assistants, who use the student’s native language to explain certain information and concepts about academic content that the student does not understand in English.
Tutoring Sessions – Individual or small-group tutoring sessions are used most commonly when there are very few English Learners enrolled in a school district. The tutoring sessions may focus on promoting basic English communication skills or on English for academic purposes.
In-class Support (Inclusion) – In this approach, English Learners are together with their native-English speaking peers in the same classroom, but an English Learner education specialist is available in the classroom to support the English Learners. For example, the English Learner education specialist may provide guidance to the English Learners as they are working on a group project or individual assignment.