Educational Grants

2023-24 WCEF Grants!

The West Carrollton Education Foundation has awarded more than $198,000 in grants since 1989. Recipients have included teachers, teaching teams, support staff, principals, and students.  Thousands of students have benefited from these grants.

A committee annually reviews applications for grants seeking projects that emphasize creativity and improved academic achievement. Examples of funded projects include special assemblies, a community garden, science kits, math manipulatives, microscopes, and much more.

Performing and Visual Arts Grants: The Foundation supports ongoing efforts to provide West Carrollton students exposure to a wide variety of performing and visual arts.

Global Awareness Grants: The Foundation offers an opportunity to promote cultural awareness, cross cultural dialogue, and other diversity programs to create a climate of academic success for all students.

Science and Technology Grants: The Foundation supports projects that promote an understanding of the issues related to science, technology, and society.

Winners list