
The West Carrollton Education Foundation is a component of the Dayton Foundation which is a 501(c)[3] nonprofit organization. WCEF is devoted to enhancing and increasing educational opportunities for students and staff in the West Carrollton City Schools district. All contributions are tax deductible.

Click link to donate:  WC Education Foundation Donation 

The above link will take you to The Dayton Foundation's website where all your donations will be deposited into the West Carrollton Education Foundation account.

If you don’t already have your Kroger card going to an organization, you can sign up your Kroger card to give Community Rewards to the West Carrollton Education Foundation.  This is so easy, and best of all, completely FREE for you! You can go online and sign up now at Kroger Community Rewards.  Our organization name is West Carrollton Education Foundation or you can enter our organization number (RN701). 

If you have any questions, please call Angie at (937) 545-6386.

Thank you for your donation.